Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Responsible Tourism And The Sustainable Development Goals

-- Ritesh Datta, Co-Founder of Alpaviram

With the Millennium Development Goals that guided the world in addressing various developmental issues for more than a decade coming to an end in 2015, the world has now adopted what we know as the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs). These are a set of inter-governmental goals that aspire to create a more sustainable and equitable world by the year 2030. These include 17 Global Goals and associated 169 targets for the world, include the following:

Based on this universal, integrated and transformative vision, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has committed to offer technical assistance and capacity-building to the achievement of these global goals, and have placed an emphasis on the Goals 8 (Good Jobs and Economic Growth), Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption) and Goal 14 (Life Below Water), where the tourism sector can make a direct impact.

#Alpaviram, an ambassador for responsible tourism in India, is committed to promoting travel and tourism practices that will directly and indirectly contribute towards attaining these Global Goals. We believe that the travel and tourism industry - one of world’s largest industries with a global economic contribution of more than US$ 7.6 trillion - can play a big role in attaining these targets. Not only Goal 8, 12 and 14, but the other 13 Goals as well.
#Alpaviram will publish our take on how responsible tourism can play a role in achieving each of the Global Goals over the next few weeks, and look forward to your thoughts, ideas and engagement on how to involve travellers, service providers and thought leaders and governments in making the effort to contribute. Stay tuned, stay engaged - and let's change the world by 2030!

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